Hey! I’m Shelly, an Atlantian (born and raised inside the perimeter), hot chocolate drinker, animal lover, obsessed with all things pink, oh, also I’m an engineer. I graduated from college with an engineering degree, however, I felt as if something was missing… my true passion has always been for baking, so I started Pastry Shells!
Baking was always a part of my life growing up baking pies with my Dad and helping bake biscuits with my Mom, and it brought me so much joy! It was a simple choice to take something I loved and turn it into a business. I spent seven years baking wedding cakes and cookies after I got home from my day job. Finally, in 2017, I quit! Now I get to work on my passion every day and I love every second!
Now, I use my engineering degree and my small business experience to help you grow your business to the best it can be! I can’t wait to work with you!